Who knew a couple summers at camp in Florida, Blake's surprise appearance in Kaylee's kitchen to ask her out on a date, and a crazy road trip to Colorado would make the two fall in love?
Kaylee and Blake are truly two of the most beautiful souls. They both love God and people so deeply that it's contagious. About a month after Kaylee and Blake booked their wedding, Kaylee sent me a text message asking me how I am and what I've been up to. That simple text made me realize how amazing what I do is! I have the opportunity to have so many relationships with so many amazing people and I'm so so blessed for that. I truly believe that their pictures turned out so raw and representative of them because they allowed me to know who they are.
Kaylee and Blake, I adore you both to pieces! I'm so thankful that I was able to spend the day getting to know your friends and family. I hope you're loving your new town and new jobs! Totally coming to visit once my van is done ;)
-xoxo Kyndal